
Here are some problems you may find even if you follow the LFS (Linux From Scratch) book LINE BY LINE:

Use Google wisely, you will find the solution!

And finally, after 3 days struggling:



If you are not an expert on *nix, start from other Linux distributions but not LFS. Based on the system you already installed, you can easily(?) try (retry) to build your system.

Arch (Manjaro) or Gentoo (liveCD?) can be a good start, but they can be nasty on some particular hardware (graphics cards and wireless NIC)

Some tips: kernel config file and grub config, can be copy from or generated by the host system.

The purpose of building LFS for me is to have an in-depth understanding of the Linux development toolchain (gcc glibc libs auto*), the configuration of some important software(ssh init grub) and kernel, and the use of the bash environment(sed echo bc).
